“When last we left our intrepid crew, construction was well underway and we were actually starting to see a brewery spring up around them. However, much to their dismay, this left no time to write, send out a newsletter or even have a life outside the brewery! Thankfully, construction is done, and the next phase has begun.”
So yeah, let’s see, last newsletter… 6 months ago.
Uhm, right, excuses… the sun was in my eye… I thought you were taller… there’s a snake on the stove (true story… but for another time)… it’s not my fault!
No, seriously. The equipment arrived, insanity ensued and ultimately all I can say is, I’m sorry.
So, now that we have that out of the way, let’s catch you up.

2) The tap room is built and we are working with the city on finalizing our certificate of occupancy and getting our pint sale and growler licenses. We do not have an ETA yet, but are hoping that it will only be a few weeks at the most. Current plan is that we will be open on Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons. Once we are official, we’ll post the hours here, there and everywhere else.
3) At the beginning of February, the BBB team expanded to include our fourth member, Ryan Strong. His skills include a strong culinary background, mechanical intuitiveness and a charming and sometimes irreverent sense of humour. Yeah, he fits in quite well.
4) We’ve started attending some of the local beer festivals. It’s been a little odd
and humbling for us to be on the other side of the table, but we’ve really
enjoyed the chance to be out there and pouring beer for all of you. With winter (dare I say it?!) finally releasing it’s death grip on us, we are already getting queued up for several more and hope that many of you will take the time to come out and share a glass with us. I promise (no, REALLY!) to get the website updated with dates and times of where we will be.
It’s been one heck of a ride thus far and we couldn’t have done it without all you.
As always, if you have specific questions, drop us a note via email, Facebook, Twitter or Pony Express.
Thom, Dane, Gabe and Ryan